Fittingly, the Summer Tree (Season 1) will conclude at the end of this month.
We will then be taking a break of 6–8 weeks, for us to catch up on the production and for listeners to catch up on the episodes.
My goal has been to make it as immersive as possible, and part of that is in the utterly mad aspiration (that we’ve so far followed) of producing a unique accompanying soundtrack for every episode. While I may change up the soundtrack approach from title to title as we change over from one story to the next, I’m very happy it’s a choice we made, and for the other artists who have contributed to making it happen, most of all Dave Bessell.
I’d love to hear from more listeners about their experiences so far, and hope all of you are telling your friends. This is in indie operation, and an experiment to see if we can build a platform for the transmedia and ultimately interactive narratives and experiences I’d like to co-create here. Right now it’s full steam ahead, but eventually we’ll have to evaluate our progress.